Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hay nako!!!

its sooooooooo hot please :(

saya saya Jap class, im kinda enjoying writing Haragana :D hehe, look at what i did!

hehe, wala lang, its one of our worksheets :p pero i made a mistake eh :( one character is suppose to occupy one entire square! not 4 characters! (like what i did here) HAY NAKO!OOOO!OO!OO!!

besides Japanese, i might also want to (re)learn the art of DOTA... I really lack guy bondings :(

Han nakoooooo, ang init parin :(

My A1 shizzle got moved to MAy... SMACK that! :(

hehe, im just cranky coz of the heat...  dont mind me :p

HAy nako!


Monday, April 16, 2007

On floating...


for me floating is a state where one isnt anchored or bound to any particular place or thing. No commitments, duties, promises etc. Floating is freedom from such things which hold you...  It is independence... one floats for one does not need to maintain such ties with "commitments"... one does not depend on these ropes... one goes wherever one pleases...

it is freedom... pure innocentg freedom... there is no evil in floating...

but sometimes... one can float too far...

Friday, April 13, 2007

im an emperor? :D

You are The Emperor

Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person.

The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents
fathers, father-figures and employers. There is a lot of aggression and violence

The Emperor naturally follows the Empress. Like an infant, he is filled with enthuiasm, energy, aggression. He is direct, guileless and all too often irresistible. Unfortunately, like a baby he can also be a tyrant. Impatient, demanding, controlling. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. But that throne can also be a trap, a responsibility that has the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take'>Take>">Take the Test to Find Out.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Survey from Tinuh :D

1. Honestly what color is your shirt?
black, just like the darkside of the force, its also the color of emoville, which is near pleasantville

2. Honestly, whats on your mind?
Honesty :p

3. Honestly, what are you doing right now?

4. Honestly, have you ever been in love ?
maybe :p

5. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
nothing.. yet... but i plan to BWAHAHAHa!!

6. Honestly, do you watch disney channel?
when it crosses my path...

7. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Don-Don <3

8. Honestly, are you jealous of somebody right now?

jealous of Everyone who has a Digi cam :(

9. Honestly, what makes you mad most
of the time?
Rebel Scum, Anger :)

10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Not anymore :p

11. Honestly, do you use anyone?
i dont :p

12. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?

13. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't like?
If you dont like them, then why are they still friends?

14. Honestly, do you love anyone?
uhhh, yes?

15. Honestly, does anyone like you?
NO ONE :( joke lang :D hehe, wrong person to ask :p


*Anger Section*

1. What do you do when you're mad?
deal out virtual pain

2. What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?
destroy entire civilizations

3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
the dead cannot shed tears...

4. Do you swear when your mad?
i dont! i swear!

5. When was the last time you really cried?
Men dont cry! they cut themselves! :D 

6. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
nope :p

7. What usually makes you cry?
defeat... :(

8. Are you normally a happy person?
happy on the outside, emo on the inside! just like an M&M :D

9. Does being with your friends make you happy?
keep your friends close, but your enemies closer

10. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy?
I dunno, no one's ever said that :( hahaha

Alphabet Survey from Tina :D

A - Age you first believed in love?
4? 6? :)) nursery

B - Band listening to right now?
i hear an airplane ryt now, does that count? :p

C – Course?

D – Dog’s name?
Brandy :D

E - Easiest person to make u laugh?
its either louie or myself :D

F - Food you miss most?
LSGH cafeteria food, like the old 21 peso meals, and those 10 peso pulutans, lumpiang togue! :( I need to buffet everyday

G - Any encounters with ghosts?
I encountered the ghost of Luke Skywalker telling me to be his padawan learner, he's a "Force Ghost":> (search it in :p) 

H - Who is in your heart right now?
someone i love, DUH!.

I- Interesting unknown fact about you?
Contrary to popular belief about my sexual preference, Im actuallty straight

J - Just tell me who's the last person who kissed you.
Melo? and probably the last person ill ever kiss :p

K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
i think mine were open last time :p

L - Last time you did fight?
yesterday, it was in Cathedral City against the army of cult like Q-Ball followers... although it happened yesterday, it was in an alternate universe so the timeline *might vary*

M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute?...
typing this survey

N - Nicknames?
Miggy, i used to have Migygo as a nickname, "Daapu"[what louie used to call me], more recently Megeh or Borat :D

O - Open Up! What's your most valued possesion?
i dunno, my galactic empire? hehe, my non-existent car and digi cam? well, uhm... My Memories (aba, ang lalim)

P - Place you are right now.
on the floor, in my room :)

Q - Quote you heard for the last two minutes?
"Nandiyan ang crack, inexplore mo ba ung CD? nandun yun" - Tindera lady in Theater Mall

R - Remembered the last time you cried?
i dunno?

S - Song you sang last?
Stars? :)) by callalily, Jologs ko i know :P

T - Time you woke up?
7am, my room isnt very feng shui, and the sun is there too :P

U - Use love in a sentence.
love is the path to the darkside of the force, unless your luke skywalker...

V - Vegetable you hate most?
i agree with tina, Ampalaya :P

W - What are you most afraid of?
being a loner :(

X - X-rated love life?
was that a question? :))

Y - Year you were born?
1988, according to the Chinese, 1988 was the year of the "blue dragon" (which happens everysoso years, which is totally different from the other *ahem* common dragons). So whats that suppose to mean??

Z - Zodiac sign?

Wow, Azure Dragon vs Scorpio! ayos! = Date Masamune vs Yukimura Sanada

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

on some things...

its sembreak and i'm really bored, so bored to the point that i tried to watch apocalypto which was kinda weird, well, honestly it would have been cool... but.. once youv'e seen 300, its kinda pointless to watch anything else :P

On Guitar
On Driving
On the Star Wars Expanded Universe

On Temptation
On "My" Sexuality
On Convenience
On Effort and Results
On Camwhoring

On Guitar...

haven't picked up valencia* in a while... i wa
s just holding her a few seconds ago but... uhm, put her d
own again so i could type this :P I was trying to learn "handsdown" by dashboard. Louie left one of the tabs on mozilla on a page containing the tabs... errr... chords... Sorry i suck i know :P

I should really continue deepening my relationship with Valencia, i need a hobby to keep my hands busy from doing evil deeds. Remember that movie "idle hands" ? the one with Jessica Alba in it? (Hot chick ryt there!) you could learn alot from that movie:D

They say she's a good brand, (well its a good name hence good brand duh! good=good!) she has a good "tunog". But i think im wasting her potential though :P I need a teacher!! i wonder if Ramon Bautista is available? :D

I need motivation! for the love generation!!

to think louie is way better than me and his guitar (his super customized lefthanded classical yamaha shizzle) is kinda retired already... hmm.. i suck :P

Okay, need to spend more time with Valencia :D

*Valencia - The name of my guitar which coincidentally though not intentionally is also the brand of her manufacturer

On Driving...

Enrolled in A1 driving school today, gonna attend a 2 hour lecture orientation tom, Whoopdidoodlebopsy :D though i doubt if my 'rents will let me make "dala" the car :(

Sorta kinda excited and natatamad at the same time. Im finally gonna learn how! but the fact that the fight to get me in a car ended in a compromise sucked all the sweetness in my pseudo victory :p

Car car :(

On the Star Wars Expanded Universe...

Okay, I've recently discovered the power of torrents and the site Wookieepedia

hehe, so i downloaded a few comics recently including the new "Star Wars Legacy" issues 1-7. I assure you, i obtained these digital copies legally *wink*

Though the art is nice, and iv'e been brushing up on star wars galactic history/continuity... everything beyond the movies feel a tad too, uhm, whats the word? Beefy? I mean, how can there be an "extra-galactic" alien invasion? how could Emperor palpatine be resurrected because he had a secret clone?  And now the empire has again risen for the 2nd time along with a new sith order and a start of yet another great jedi purge??? how is that?? when luke, at the end of episode VI: return of the jedi, supposedly fulfilled the prophesy by bringing back balance to the force? what the hell????

hehe, the EU (expanded universe) is fun, but some of it conflicts with the proper Canon set by the 6 films :p to many creative minds at work kasi :D hahaha

In my opinion, their all good separately but trying to connect them all is quite confusing. Watch out for open plot holes!

On Temptation...

Its always there isn't it? in everything you do :)) hmm, sho
pping, bumming, driving, eating, sleeping and even gosh my golly thinking.


its  the great enemy isn't it? i guess we all have to be strong in our faith :p have a holy holy week every one

On "MY" sexuality...

Just to set the record straight

Im Not GAY
im just not as "hard" as most guys

hehe, but honestly, i have nothing against people ou
tside the traditional 2 genders we biologically have (the others i think our either psychological, super natural, or endowed by the force medi-chlorians, or the Chinese [im not a racist either, the word Chinese just popped in my head! {abusing brackets now!}]). As long as its a way of being there selves then thats really fine with me. (if they did it to get attention or whatever, then thats wrong)

My "conio" speak is probably the first reason why people think im gay, that and the fact i prefer to curse in english (recently england/Britain english) rather than the all so manly way to do it is super "siga/angas" tagalog. I grew up with a lot of western influences ( i used to believe i grew up in the states until my parents [10 years late] fi
nally corrected me by saying that the blue and white flag on a pole in school belonged to some 3rd world country called Phillip's pines). Ive really developed a conio mouth over the years, i dont know why, it wasnt on purpose promise.

okay, that last sentence was kidna gay

Another reason why my masculinity is doubtful is because im not a "basket boy". I was never really good at the sport, never really liked it :p oh yeah, i do Pilates din, is that gay ba? i dont thinks sooooo!

i also dont know how to drive unlike most boys (and girls) my age. (well i am gonna learn as stated above, pero automatic ako agad eh :P) i also dont know how to commute :( im such a sissy boy ;p

Next i guess is my uhm watchamakulit? fashion sense? i think being too conscious about color compatibility and having one to many shirts warrants a "gay" title nowadays

And the last reason why people believe im gay is my questionable closeness to a few select males. well, i have a question for all of you, is it wrong? its not like i have sex with them or anything :D we just have those bonding moments which just seem to happen :D

well, in conclusion... Im not gay

Okay? im just not overly manly

On Convenience...

Convenience is a wonderful thing because it makes thing easy, its an ugly thing because easy isnt always the right way to go.

okay, the next part is kinda not really approved of by the "approval council of the universe" so be warned!

well, i have a curious question, please feel free to answer this:

are relationships (friendly or otherwise) built on several factors of convenience reliable?

well, when these factors are lost and the relationship doesn't stay what does that say about the relationship?

i dunno, its kinda super evident in High School classm
ates, since we don't conveniently see each other everyday... I've been kinda loosing contact with most of them...

hmmm.... need to fix my roots

well ,what about in love? i mean, the movie/fairy tale things when a couple meet each other then they spend time together an then they fall in love
. ONLY AFTER their convenient meet up like say.. i dunno... hansolo and princess leia? okay, i need a better example.... like that couple mentioned in the guidon? the one ( or two rather) that are engaged? ewan :)) hard to explain

I guess i dont really know what its like to fall in love just yet..

On Effort and Results....

Effort is a fickle mistress, no matter how mush you do to please her, her dad Results will always be there, shotgun loaded and all that :D

Theres a trend in the world today, and because of this trend, i will attempt to write a super theory about effort and results! and it shall be called *drumroll* the
wow, well here goes

okay, if some one for some obscene reason wants some thing oh so fanatically then he or she oh it will zealously do some thing to get it! Gets?

Example: i want an effin A in the Finals, i will study until my brain leaks out of my tear ducts in the form of powdered sugar

After all the bloodshed, the battle should end (but in the case of starwars, it doesn't) and all the effort one exerted will manifest itself in one way or another

Example: no matter what you did, Ms. Yap will most
probably grade you for that test

So the results of your efforts are there, then what? :D well, no matter what effort you exerted, the world will only care about the results

Example: if i get an "F" in the finals, the world will laugh at me for being the dumbass who failed the math finals. If i get an "A" then i will be the supreme ruler of the galactic empire. both endings are results... Even if i bled my brains out to get them, only the results will matter. No one would care if i almost died studying or if it was a fluke, the will of the force or whatnot, only the results matter. was it a mission success or failure?

Look at Anakin Skywalker, nobody cares what he did for the republic, he became darth vader, the one and only darth that deserves to exist ever. and thats how he is known, his path and struggles with the light and darkside of the force are nothing, He's darth vader, nuff said

i have the vaguest idea that no one gets me :(

basta gani2, effort ka lang, sige, basta makuha mo ung gusto mong resulta eh di okay pag hinde, sorry ka nlang :(

i think my weird analogy at the start of this section kinda explains it...

On Camwhoring...

I lurve it :D

this is one of my favorite cam whorin moments, its with janelle, Ia, Rai and Mian :)) i need a camera now please :( its either i get a digi cam NOW! or i get an N80, its "seems" like a good camera phone, with a 3megapixel camera as its main feature. well the pic above is 1.3 mega pix so im not really competing here :D i just want to take lotsa pictures please

So guys, you know what i want for christmas :D

okay, i gotta go make sulit my sembreak

have a holy holy week people :D