Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another long weekend... ends

i looked at my previous entry... and saw the typos. LOL. I should proof read more. (proof read... is that one word or two?)

So what's happening this week?

Hopefully i find out if my credit card gets approved this week

Only got "work" on wednesday and friday. 

Tuesday night, I'm up typing this when i should be sleeping (and i watched "Predators" today)
Wednesday is my groggy monday as i try to remember what were the stuff I'm supposed to be continuing from last week. Its also Badminton practice for the sports fest
Thursday is training day (social media marketing??)
Friday is back to work
Saturday is the sports fest, plus another commitment
Sunday is the day I spend locked in my room... and mass of course

LOL, got my whole week figured out... and i remember how i used to complain that I've got nothing to do all the time... I had a lot of time to myself today. It was like those stagnant days that i used to have a lot of. The days i hated, the ones that got me depressed. I welcome those days now. Its nice to not "think" once in a while.

My former boss said to me before he resigned: "when you grow old, you make decisions for your family and not for yourself". (referring to his decision to resign a job he liked and look for a more "rewarding" job) Ever since he said that, I started doing anything i want with my life. For when (and IF) the time comes that i choose to settle down, all my choices won't be for me anymore, but for those i love (CHEESY SH*T)

So live life like a shallow bastard, eat, drink and sleep. because right now, I think i (we) deserve it

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm awake again, dafuq

I'm awake again at 4 am! No, I wont be sleepy in the morning. I'll probably just over sleep.

Lotsa things happening, but I'd rather not write it. Depending on who you are, I might even tell you!

Lets just say my personal and work life are moving... forward at the least. Generally positive, yeah?

The lesson of life that I struggle with alot, (and have yet to accept and learn) is: You can't please everybody. There are just something that go wrong. And from that point forward, some people may not approve of you the same way they used to. That relationship lost. It really pains me to lose something like that... you know? I didn't mean any harm. I never do with those i call my "friends". 

But that's a fact of life. One I still can't fully accept. One that still bothers me from time to time.

But work is moving along... I "support" more than "lead"... but I'm sure someday I'll accomplish something that I can rightfully claim as an outcome of my own efforts. I think I'll get there... just a little longer.

And yeah... weekends are great :p 4 days bebeh! 

Here's to the future! Happy sunday