Monday, October 29, 2007

The MTV generation

Karen de Vera:
Karen de Vera: its ok
Karen de Vera: watch this
Miggy De Leon: cool sana if my life was like a musc video
Karen de Vera: the hell
Miggy De Leon: but it would annoyyingly short
Karen de Vera: no
Karen de Vera: it would be ongoing
Karen de Vera: hay i miss hanson
Karen de Vera: indeed
Karen de Vera: in an mmmbop gone
Miggy De Leon: i like kasi the montage-nesss of videos
Miggy De Leon:  la lang
Karen de Vera: ah i see
Karen de Vera: but i dunno
Miggy De Leon: my youtube stopped one me
Karen de Vera: music vids
Karen de Vera: they're too fast
Karen de Vera: too many info crammed into your head
Karen de Vera: thats why we all have the attention span of a rock
Karen de Vera: seriously
Karen de Vera: the mtv generation
Karen de Vera: we're too impatient
Karen de Vera: including me
Miggy De Leon: wow, my gulay, that made so much sense
Miggy De Leon: can i quote you on that?
Miggy De Leon:
Karen de Vera: haha really?
Karen de Vera: haha ok go XD
Miggy De Leon:
Miggy De Leon: post ko yan sa multiply ;D
Karen de Vera: ay haha. im glad you see the light
Karen de Vera:
Karen de Vera: *goes back to mmmbop*


makes alot of sense ryt? look at people today, always in a hurry in shiz

i could go on and on about so many things i realized but that would just kill the fun now wouldnt it? :p think about it :D

1 comment:

  1. i heard somewhere that MTV videos are fast BECAUSE our attention spans are short..not the other way around..but i guess it's one of those chicken-or-the-egg debates..ask stanford cambridge about that..;p
