I treat this blog as a journal. It's a way for me to look back on my past self. To see what I was going through and how I felt about things. I could see how excited I was in some posts and how sad I was in others. I also used to talk in a very weird way on the Internet. I had this very cringeworthy way of writing... Like some kind of kid who just got a hold of Friendster. It's too embarrassing to describe it here, but you're free to dig through the archives of you wanna hurl from pre-jeje blogging.
How are things now?
My first semester is over. I'm now in my second. Taking a lighter schedule now. Though like before, there isn't as much impact to my MBA classes as I'd hope. I think I have to devote more of my very little time to this or it will all be for naught. I can start by being friendlier with my classmates I guess, I should start by talking to them more. My groups this sem aren't as "cohesive" or "stimulating" as the last semester's. maybe it's the mix of people, the topic or the sched... I dunno. I have to try to get more out of my classes and classmates.
Christmas went by quickly and quietly. It's sad that this holiday lost its magic so many years ago... Maybe it's the absence of a solid Christmas vacation or the fact that its getting harder to get friends together. These supposedly bright times aren't as bright anymore and they seem more like social and religious obligation than anything else... I think I'm a Scrooge.
I'm already trying to change my lifestyle bit by bit to curb my rapid weight gain. Already have a gym membership as Gold's Gym. I try to go twice a week. One workout session/treadmill day and one yoga day every Wednesday. Admittedly, I sweat more in yoga than doing the treadmill and chest press machines. Maybe I should try that cycling class on Tuesday nights... As for my diet, I'm ditching breakfast meats and garlic rice for wheat bread, tuna and bran flakes in milk. Better those than all the canned goods I used to eat every morning. I have a friend bring me red rice meals for lunch (for a small fee). I also don't eat dinner some nights. I only really eat a lot on week ends, but even then, I try to share my meal instead of soloing so that I can control my portions. Eating healthy isn't so bad if it all boils down to foods like these. It's just the availability that's the problem. The grocery list at the house has to change or I maybe should just buy my own food.
More stuff at work with more responsibility, friction, clashes and stress. It's a good thing in a way, just a struggles that's all. I still don't have any great victories under my belt yet. And this new responsibility is an even bigger albeit more difficult battle to win. I'm starved for any significant result from my work, for any positive impact on the business. It's a draining thought that visits me every day.
Google opened a Manila office earlier this month. No interesting job openings though. I find myself wondering a lot about what my next job will be like. I'm not resigning anytime soon, but I'm pretty sure my job now isn't the last job I'll be having a. Will I go tech? Food? FMCG? It's hard to think how I'll find new work, apply, get in and learn a whole new business. I don't know how fast and how well I'd adjust to different inustrt.
Those are my major concerns right now as I continue to push through life.
Til the next update then
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