Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mga Walang pake

People just don't care.

It's just like that quote I saw over on 9gag. Your friends aren't good to you because you're a good person, it's because theyre good people. The capacity to do good isn't solely based on the recipient of a good deed but on the doer. So when people fuck you up, intentionally or unintentionally. They should fucking rot in hell. They did what they did kasi... Wala silang pake

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Is a cynical twenty something that's mad at everything because he's frustrated and disappointed at what he has become and where he is going. Yes there are still a few gems in his life. Yet most that have chosen to become close to him or have accepted him in their life have either easily drifted away or have regretted being so open. He... Is a rare dish, a dish most have no taste for, only a few can stomach, and even fewer... Enjoy

He revels in his difference, yet he knows it serves him not. He is covered in a gentle and quiet aura, but once you step in, you realize it was but a shroud to reality of he who IS

Monday, September 5, 2011

Inconsiderate Filipinos, Sunday habits, and a dead multiply

rained hard today. traffic came with it. Picking up and dropping off people at church was hell (ironically speaking lol). People just took their sweet time getting off and on their cars.

Its really stupid... happening right on the church driveway. Why the hell does it take so long? you could be out of the car in under a minute. There's a roof on the church driveway! surely the rain isn't the reason right? It was more than 3 quarters into the mass when I finally got in.

its really stupid how inconsiderate people can be. Taking their sweet time as the traffic piles up to 2 or 3 blocks down the street.

lol at least that's out of the way.

Sunday Habit = staying up late, youtubing and eventually blogging on multiply

oh multiply... i hope you will never take down my content like friendster did. I don't want to go out of my way to put a wordpress or blogspot when everything is here. My media locker in the cloud. My memories of a time long gone.

Its sad how dead multiply is

the posts are few and far in between... mostly by ccello. His movie reviews never fail to pop up. The posts are "personal" he says, not for the "public". Even though its on the web, i doubt anyone but me would see those posts. haha. Facebook really did something didnt it?

such a ghost town. I wish it was alive the way it used to be. I remember how much i loved this site. Its definitely not the same as facebook

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another long weekend... ends

i looked at my previous entry... and saw the typos. LOL. I should proof read more. (proof read... is that one word or two?)

So what's happening this week?

Hopefully i find out if my credit card gets approved this week

Only got "work" on wednesday and friday. 

Tuesday night, I'm up typing this when i should be sleeping (and i watched "Predators" today)
Wednesday is my groggy monday as i try to remember what were the stuff I'm supposed to be continuing from last week. Its also Badminton practice for the sports fest
Thursday is training day (social media marketing??)
Friday is back to work
Saturday is the sports fest, plus another commitment
Sunday is the day I spend locked in my room... and mass of course

LOL, got my whole week figured out... and i remember how i used to complain that I've got nothing to do all the time... I had a lot of time to myself today. It was like those stagnant days that i used to have a lot of. The days i hated, the ones that got me depressed. I welcome those days now. Its nice to not "think" once in a while.

My former boss said to me before he resigned: "when you grow old, you make decisions for your family and not for yourself". (referring to his decision to resign a job he liked and look for a more "rewarding" job) Ever since he said that, I started doing anything i want with my life. For when (and IF) the time comes that i choose to settle down, all my choices won't be for me anymore, but for those i love (CHEESY SH*T)

So live life like a shallow bastard, eat, drink and sleep. because right now, I think i (we) deserve it

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm awake again, dafuq

I'm awake again at 4 am! No, I wont be sleepy in the morning. I'll probably just over sleep.

Lotsa things happening, but I'd rather not write it. Depending on who you are, I might even tell you!

Lets just say my personal and work life are moving... forward at the least. Generally positive, yeah?

The lesson of life that I struggle with alot, (and have yet to accept and learn) is: You can't please everybody. There are just something that go wrong. And from that point forward, some people may not approve of you the same way they used to. That relationship lost. It really pains me to lose something like that... you know? I didn't mean any harm. I never do with those i call my "friends". 

But that's a fact of life. One I still can't fully accept. One that still bothers me from time to time.

But work is moving along... I "support" more than "lead"... but I'm sure someday I'll accomplish something that I can rightfully claim as an outcome of my own efforts. I think I'll get there... just a little longer.

And yeah... weekends are great :p 4 days bebeh! 

Here's to the future! Happy sunday

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's in it for me?

That's what everyone says... Sure they can do this or that, but the question always pops up first: If i do this, what's in it for me? 

I see it everywhere, in everything. How people drive, how they fall in line, how they reply to my messages etc. They won't do it unless there's some kind of benefit or it would help them avoid something bad. That's how everyone thinks. You might be the same.

Everyone from the politicians in office to the beggars on the street. All the same.

So when you try to make something long term with the cooperation of others, they don't care. If there's nothing beneficial for the short term, there's no point. For me, and for them. No one does anything for the sake of doing it... despite the possible outcomes... no money now, no work now. Plain and simple.

This is probably why people migrate... looks pretty hopeless sometimes

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trimming down

It's the end of a Long weekend. And it's nice, strangely... It's not such an abrupt end like every sunday that seems to breeze by. It wasn't a fleeting afternoon, or a midday dash to midnight. It's just moving all so slowly... In a nice way.

I'm in bed now after spending a very wonderful day with a very wonderful person... I'm typing this on my phone while listening to patti Austin. The weekend is "chilling" to an end. It's really really nice, I don't remember feeling this way about any weekend ever.

It's all because I kept the day simple. Not forcing my self to do this or that. Just did the simple things... And I really want to feel like this everynight. Going to bed feeling like I lived a day in my life and not just running through it. And here's what im gonna do: start trimming down!

1. Stop playing Facebook games for hours and hours a day
2. Stop watching you tube too much
3. Stop playing iPhone games all the time (I'd rather boot up the ps3 for my gaming fix)
4. Stop playing with the settings of all my online accounts
5. Stop reading wikis other than Wikipedia

Things I'll keep on doing or should start
1. Be updated on the important stuff via RSS
2. Fix my iPhone with all my digital media needs
3. Watch movies that I missed
4. Spend more time with brandy
5. Exercise
6. Read more books that'll help me, like stuff about marketing, business and read the news too!
7. Get some quiet "me" time every day
8. Talk to people, friendly conversations ;)

yeah, that's what i wanna do... Here's to a mid year resolution!

Monday, June 13, 2011

blog blog

I think i now know why i have trouble sleeping... i read my previous post after leaving it in the "draft bin" for a while. Its because i don't have time i guess... so instead of alotting the 7 or so hours to sleep, i keep it for myself for me to waste on facebook playing games or watching video game walkthroughs on youtube. The end result? In the end I didn't make good use of my free time! haha! how ironic? and the end END result? lower mental functionality due to lack of sleep. LOL. I need to fix that, i need a tranquilizer gun, stun grenades or better yet: A warm bath, soothing ambient music and low cool air con. Its funny that I can sleep anywhere except my bed. Again, the irony of it all!!!

I miss multiply!!!! Facebook just isn't the same... (nothing against facebook, i visit several times a day!) I wonder how its picking up in the marketplace... lol, life is so hard... an apparent reality shoved in my face by the difficulties of marketing in the Philippine Economy... Its just too damn specific

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Don't write on my personal blog anymore

I'm waiting for louie to finish up so we can leave already... went into my multiply to pass the time and I saw how slow my feed was... how the updates were few and far in between... looked at some of my albums and remembered how crazy things were back then when I had a lot more freedom a a lot less "responsibility". 

It was funny how I hated that my studies took up so much time before... but now its nothing compared to my 9.6 hour a day job.

I like my Job, its not bad... and I will get something out of it in the end... Its just that 24 hours doesn't seem enough anymore for me to do all the things i wanna do.

i spend 10.6 hours at work (the extra hour for lunch break)
and around 7 hours of sleep in the morning (if i wake up at around 7 am)
then lets say 1 hour of sleep at night (if i sleep at around 11pm)

so that amounts to 18.6 hours leaving 5.4 for everything else...

That amount is actually less when you count in travel time and stuff...

Its all a tad draining... I'm starting to miss the long breaks, the lunches and dinners at katip, movies and foodtrips at spanky's, going to UP or to the malls, meeting up with Don-Don and Raymond, the hours I grinded in front of the PS3...

Life sure has changed...

I've written this post on Jan 2, 2011 of this year... strange that i didn't publish it right away, but the feeling is still the same... time is fleeting isn't it?