Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Don't write on my personal blog anymore

I'm waiting for louie to finish up so we can leave already... went into my multiply to pass the time and I saw how slow my feed was... how the updates were few and far in between... looked at some of my albums and remembered how crazy things were back then when I had a lot more freedom a a lot less "responsibility". 

It was funny how I hated that my studies took up so much time before... but now its nothing compared to my 9.6 hour a day job.

I like my Job, its not bad... and I will get something out of it in the end... Its just that 24 hours doesn't seem enough anymore for me to do all the things i wanna do.

i spend 10.6 hours at work (the extra hour for lunch break)
and around 7 hours of sleep in the morning (if i wake up at around 7 am)
then lets say 1 hour of sleep at night (if i sleep at around 11pm)

so that amounts to 18.6 hours leaving 5.4 for everything else...

That amount is actually less when you count in travel time and stuff...

Its all a tad draining... I'm starting to miss the long breaks, the lunches and dinners at katip, movies and foodtrips at spanky's, going to UP or to the malls, meeting up with Don-Don and Raymond, the hours I grinded in front of the PS3...

Life sure has changed...

I've written this post on Jan 2, 2011 of this year... strange that i didn't publish it right away, but the feeling is still the same... time is fleeting isn't it?